The Untouchables in Breton language | BreizhVOD
The Untouchables
The Untouchables Historical, Movies
Age : +16
Breton : Advanced


During the era of Prohibition in the United States, Federal Agent Eliot Ness sets out to stop ruthless Chicago gangster Al Capone and, because of rampant corruption, assembles a small, hand-picked team to help him.

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From Brian de PalmaWith Yannig Madec, Tangi Simon, Sten Charbonneau, Pêr Mayer-Dantec, Maurice Jouanno, Marc Guillou, Manu Mehu, Loic De Chateaubriant, Keridwenn Ar Mero, Herve Korbell, Didier Dréault, André Morvan, Roger Stefan, Riwal Kermarreg, Kristof Ar Menn, Dom Duff, Goulwena An Henaff, Thomas Cloarec, Klet Beyer, Aziliz Bourges, Tangi Daniel, Tony Foricheur, Yann-Herle Gourves, Nolwenn Korbell, Jil Penneg, Marion Gwenn
Translation / adaptation : Corinne Ar Mero
Detection : Sophie Gillet
Artistic direction : Laors Skavenneg