L'affaire Seznec - 2nd part (The Seznec affair) | BreizhVOD
L’affaire Seznec – 2nd part (The Seznec affair)
L’affaire Seznec – 2nd part (The Seznec affair) Drama, Movies
Age : +12
Sous-titres : Breton
Breton : Advanced


On 4 November 1924, Guillaume Seznec was found guilty of false promise and of the murder of the wood merchant Pierre Quéméneur and condemned to hard labour in perpetuity. Though many other possibilities were advanced as to the disappearance and despite the body never being recovered, it was decided only to pursue the murder hypothesis. This mysterious case has never been solved.

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From Yves BoissetWith Yannig Madec, Tangi Simon, Sten Charbonneau, Stefan Moal, Rémi Derrien, Romain Grouazel, Nonna Kernalegenn, Mona Bouzec, Meriadeg Vallerie, Maurice Jouanno, Mark Guillou, Manu Mehu, Louis Conan, Loic De Chateaubriant, Keridwenn Ar Mero, Jisel Ar Gurudeg, Jean-Pi Livinec, Herve Korbell, Hannah Moal-Morrow, Fulup Plouzane, Erwan Kloareg, Dédé Morvan, Brendan Simon, Roger Stefan, Corinne Ar Mero, Riwal Kermarreg, Kristof Ar Menn, Dom Duff, Goulwena An Henaff, Klet Beyer, Aziliz Bourges, Tangi Daniel, Tony Foricheur, Yann-Herle Gourves, Jil Penneg, Marion Gwenn, Erell Beloni
Translation / adaptation : Corinne Ar Mero
Detection : Nikolaz Syz
Artistic direction : Laors Skavenneg